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Guidelines for Contributors

The official language of the Symposium is English.

The Symposium programme will be composed of different types of sessions. There will be oral presentations in special sessions and regular sessions, in which also the poster presentations associated with the session topic will be presented in short poster pitches. In addition, there will be invited keynote presentations and a moderated panel discussion with short impulse speeches. The best oral and poster presentations for the Young Scientist Award will be selected by live voting and honoured in the award session on the last Symposium day.

Companies sponsoring the Symposium will be able to present their products and services throughout the Symposium and close to the coffee breaks, the poster area and the tutorials/demos.

Poster presentations

Posters will be displayed throughout the Symposium and will be located in the same area as the coffee breaks and technical exhibition. Please hang your poster on the first day of the Symposium on the poster board indicated in the programme. There will be dedicated poster presentation times on each day. The preferred poster format is portrait A0 (max. 841 x 1189 mm). Sticky pads to hang the posters to the board will be available at the venue.

To give more visibility to the posters, authors will be asked to present their posters in short (1-3 min) poster pitches in the oral sessions associated with the session topic. For that, we ask poster presenters to prepare one slide describing their poster, which highlights the topic of the poster and invites people to visit the poster. The one slide can be either the full poster as a PDF or a separate slide with the key information. The slides will be collected before the event and will be used for the poster pitches and for a continuous slide loop on a screen in the lecture hall.

Oral presentations

Oral presentations will usually be of 12 min length plus 3 minutes for questions and change over to the next speaker. The length of the presentations may vary in some sessions depending on the planned session format and the number of presentations. Please check the Symposium programme or consult the session chair if unsure. Keynote presentations will be 25 min long plus 5 minutes for discussion. MS PowerPoint or PDF formats are preferred. Please upload your presentation as a PPT or PDF file directly to the presentation laptop in the lecture hall well before the start of the session. From 30 minutes before the start of the session, there will be technical staff on site to assist with this.


We are planning the Symposium as an in-person event and currently do not foresee the possibility of an online participation.