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All participants interested in recent advances in technology, methods and applications of Remote Sensing are cordially encouraged to present and discuss their work. The symposium topics include but are not limited to:

  • Artificial Intelligence, Big Earth Data Analytics, Data Fusion and Software Toolboxes
  • Climate Changes and Desertification
  • Agroforestry, Forests, Agriculture and Food Security
  • Disaster Risk Reduction (Floods, Earthquakes, Landslides, etc.) and Resilient Society
  • Innovative Technologies in Remotely Sensed & In-situ Data (Drones, Field Spectroscopy, Sensors, etc.)
  • Copernicus missions, Current Sentinel and upcoming
  • Marine Safety & Security and Marine Spatial Planning
  • Earth Observation Challenges: Open Science, Open Innovation, Digital Innovation Hubs, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Emerging sensor concepts and future spectroscopy satellite missions
  • Spectral and radiometric sensor calibration, atmospheric and geometric correction procedures, uncertainty quantification, product validation

Special Sessions:

Earth observations applications in natural hazards research

Operational remote sensing for forestry management

Monitoring and assessing Urban Environments with Remote Sensing

1st EARSeL SIG Workshop on Agriculture:

Remote sensing applications for agriculture